Bratislava, Slovakia
Smart City Insights were invited to speak at the international congress ITAPA in Bratislava, Slovakia. The congress was focused on IT in public administration and covers many topics such digitalization, cybersecurity, e-government, intelligent health care as well as smart city. The last mentioned was the topic of our panel discussion, where we shared our knowledge and experience with smart city in practice.
In Slovakia, smart city projects are in their early days, but the theme is receiving an increasing attention and importance. Especially the cities and government are aware, that if done right, smart city projects could address many issues the cities and country are facing. A national action plan for smart cities is currently being developed, so Slovakia is keen to learn from good practices and failures from other countries and cities with more experience. With a large EU funding for Slovakia in the next programme period, this presents a good opportunity to collaborate internationally and for Slovakia, to avoid mistakes other did.
This is where Smart City Insights can contribute with valuable insights and help to shapethe national Slovakian smart city strategy. In Bratislava we had great meetings with key stakeholders in Slovakia, such as the Office of the Deputy Prime Minster of the Slovak Republic for Investments and Informatization, Smart Cities Klub and the City of Bratislava. We are very excited about all the possibilities for Slovakia and looking forward to work more with our Slovakian contacts to support them in delivering effective and successful smart city strategies and projects.