If you are working on a developing or even more importantly, implementing your smart city strategy, Smart City Insights offer a range of support services, from organising the process, expert input and also support in writing and implementing the strategy. Co-creation, governance, organisational set-up, intelligent smart city investment and business models are at the core of these services.
We help public and private sector to build effective systems for data sharing – both public and private sector. Our extensive experience is used to build use cases, create business and operational models, plus running workshops to show how data demand is similar across sectors and how this can be used to build an effective system.
Smart City Insights has unique insights and knowledge of data ecosystems, market places and market & business opportunities, based on several years of experience in building and running data marketplaces.
We help public and private sector with intelligent data sourcing, handling data as an asset, developing strategy and design processes for monetization and/or sharing of data. This includes, how to sell data and where it makes sense to share it for free, how to overcome barriers in the process, and how to build an effective business model based on data. We have a range of partners who can provide data and a leading data marketplace provider, but also knowledge about where you can find a unique information that will change your business or service.
We are often hired to speak at international events to share our insights as well as to run smart city and data workshops in cities, governments or private sector.
The extensive experience with Smart Cities and Data Ecosystem from both the public and private sector perspective, is now converted into core services at Smart City Insights for cities, government and companies.
Peter Bjørn Larsen
CEO / Founder
(+45) 2270 5909
Bloxhub, Copenhagen, Denmark
CVR-nr: 39035030